Developer, Designer and Mechanical Engineer -
Zoran Savović
Born in 1973 in Kula, Serbia. I grew up and was educated in Novi Sad.
I graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of
Novi Sad, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, majoring in
Hydropneumatic Engineering, in 1997.
I started doing web design and web programming in the late nineties.
I confirmed my Java programming competencies by obtaining a Java Programmer Certificate.
Previous jobs
During my business career, I worked as a Lead engineer for construction of natural gas installations and as a Facility Manager.
I was also member of the project management team responsible for the construction of the Transmission gas pipeline (Interconnector) border of Bulgaria – border of Hungary
Current job
I am currently working at "Schneider electric" as a Facility Manager responsible for operations and maintenance of business premises.
The best way to contact me is using this form.
This web site is offering pipe flow calculators for everyday problem solving in the field of fluid dynamics. Many desktop and online server side calculators, as well as three calculators for Android smartphone, are available now.
This web site offers a simplified resolution of less and medium complex fluid mechanics problems, primarily in the part of fluid motion and fluid dynamics.
A large number of calculators solved practical examples, theoretical explanation with corresponding equations allow finding a correct approach to solving practical problems, which we meet in every day practical work.
I am Mechanical engineer for hydropneumatic technology, with more than 20 years of engineering experience in the field of pipeline and piping design and construction, metering and regulating of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons, water and air.
The first calculator – Venturi tube calculator was created and published on the Aug 1st, 2000 on a free domain (, which is no longer active. Since then, additional calculators – Java applets for desktop computers were created as well as 3 calculators for Android devices and several calculators that work on the server side. In addition, I have created and published a significant number of texts that are showing a theoretical background of applied fluid mechanics in calculators.
Further development of new and improvement of existing calculators, as well as new content adding, are part of the vision that this web site will become and stay default place where practical problems in the field of fluid mechanics will be solved on the simple and correct way, on a daily basis.
After the project has started in the year 2000, instantly it was a success and appreciated by a number of professionals, professors, and students. Positive comments and my commitment to Java and programming, in general, pushed the development that later followed.
During the past 20 years, I have redesigned the web site multiple times. In addition, the calculator evolved on its own from AWT to SWING, from Java applet to web start application and to native Windows application. In the meantime, I have developed also a server-side version of the calculators and all is now available under one single domain name –
In the early days, calculators were available only as online Java applets, served from the free hosting account on the Later, once the advertising program with GlobalSpec and AdSense started, I moved the web site to the paid servers with a dedicated domain name. The first domain was, and later I registered
In August 2016, when calculators started to be available for download as a Web Start Java application, I have introduced the paid subscription. Nowadays, a number of subscribed users is rising every day, I am assured that you, as my valued customers, are appreciating my work and my passion for engineering calculations and computer programming and that you are recognizing my dedication to this project.
Calculators and web site development over time
Year | Month | Milestone | |
2000 | August | Registered free domain | |
2000 | August | Venturi tube calculator published | |
2001 | January | Prandtl probe and Reynolds number calculator published | |
2005 | May | Orifice plate calculator published | |
2005 | November | Invited to the GlobalSpec publisher program | |
2005 | December | Registered domain on | |
2005 | December | Involved in AdSense publisher program | |
2006 | January | Pressure drop calculator published | |
2006 | February | Thermal energy calculator published | |
2006 | February | Natural gas pipeline calculator published | |
2006 | May | Register domain | |
2007 | March | LPG piping calculator publish published | |
2007 | April | Air pressure drop calculator published | |
2007 | May | Pipe diameter calculator published | |
2010 | February | Started forum on | |
2010 | August | Resistance coefficient K calculator published | |
2011 | April | Gas control valve sizing calculator published | |
2011 | April | Nozzle calculator published | |
2011 | April | Isothermal gas flow calculator published | |
2012 | February | Gas discharge calculator published | |
2012 | August | Specific gravity calculator published | |
2013 | January | Pipe diameter calculator for Android published | |
2013 | May | Reynolds number calculator for Android published | |
2014 | January | Registered account on and new domain | |
2014 | April | Combustion energy online calculators published | |
2015 | January | Heat power calculator for Android published | |
2015 | March | Android calculators redesigned and published | |
2015 | October | Pressure drop calculator, Orifice plate calculator, pipe diameter online calculators published | |
2015 | October | Combustion energy online calculator redesigned and published | |
2015 | November | Venturi tube online calculators published | |
2015 | November | Nozzle online calculators published | |
2015 | December | Delivery time online calculators published | |
2016 | June | Java applet converted to Java Web Start application with registration | |
2016 | August | Subscription plans | |
2017 | September | Calculator published as Windows application | |
2019 | January | Redesign of to JSF web application | |
2019 | January | Abandoned | |
2019 | January | Specific gravity, heat power, control valve and gas control valve online calculators published | |
2019 | January | Reynolds number, LPG flow online calculators published | |
2019 | May | Moved to Virtual private server | |
2019 | June | Pipe weight and price online calculator | |
2019 | September | Significant updates including save/open results, integrated fluid table, etc. | |
2019 | December | Export results to Word and Excel native format | |
2020 | January | Exclusive online calculators available, without ads, links, text or any other not needed content, just pure on line calculator | |
2020 | January | 12 videos with solved examples added to YouTube channel | |
2020 | January | Local resistances K factor calculator updated and upgraded | |
2020 | January | Table for multiple results store/restore updated and upgraded, with saving and opening results as well as export to Excel option | |
2020 | January | Native and Nimbus look available | |
2020 | February | Selection between absolute and gauge pressure | |
2020 | March | Tables for pipes added. 5 standards available | |
2020 | April | Natural gas calculator updated | |
2020 | May | Pipe weight online calculator updated with fluid load calculation | |
2020 | May | Pipe surface roughness selection | |
2021 | May | Calculator can be used even without Internet connection | |
2021 | June | Pipe network analysis online calculator published | |
2022 | January | Pump selection online calculator | |
2023 | June | Online natural gas calculator on | |
2023 | July | EV certificate with Sectigo | |
2023 | August | Short free trial available for new users | |
2024 | February | Pipe wall thickness calculator | |
2024 | February | Pipe material selection | |
2024 | March | Added more pipe standards and surface roughness | |
2024 | April | Flow in valves - resistance factor calculator | |
2024 | July | Pump performance calculator |
During this period, I have developed many custom calculators according to user’s requests. In addition, I have redesigned the web site and the calculator applet several times.