Friction Loss Coefficient Table and K Values for Pipe Fittings calculator

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pipe network analysis

Use this calculator to determine the resistance coefficient (K values) for pipe fittings and valves, essential for calculating friction loss coefficients in piping systems.

The resistance coefficient (K) represents the proportional relationship between pressure drop (head loss) and the square of fluid velocity through various fittings such as elbows, bends, tees, reducers, and valves.

How to Use the Friction Loss Coefficient Calculator

  • Compute the resistance coefficient (K values) for fittings and valves.
  • Convert K values into equivalent length (l/d) for friction loss calculations.
  • Use these coefficients with a pressure drop calculator to evaluate system efficiency.
  • Calculate pressure loss for minor loss coefficients in piping systems with obstructions.

Minor Loss Coefficients and K Values for Fittings

The pressure loss in a pipe depends on the friction loss coefficient and the K values for fittings. The calculator includes friction loss coefficient tables for:

  • 90-degree elbows, return bends, and mitre bends
  • Standard elbows and tees
  • Pipe entrance and exit losses
  • Sudden and gradual enlargements and contractions
  • Various types of valves (gate valves, globe valves, check valves, ball valves, butterfly valves, etc.)

Friction Loss Coefficient Chart for Pipe Fittings

Different fittings and valves have unique friction loss coefficients based on their size and shape. These coefficients help engineers design efficient piping systems by minimizing unnecessary pressure losses.

Understanding the Head Loss Equation

The head loss equation is used to calculate pressure drop in piping systems due to friction and obstructions. The total head loss consists of major head loss (caused by pipe friction) and minor losses (due to fittings, valves, and bends).

Major Head Loss Equation

The major head loss equation is derived from the Darcy-Weisbach formula:

h f = f L V 2 D 2 g


  • hf = Major head loss
  • f = Darcy friction factor
  • L = Pipe length
  • D = Pipe diameter
  • V = Flow velocity
  • g = Acceleration due to gravity

Minor Losses in Pipes

Minor losses in pipes occur due to sudden changes in flow direction or velocity, caused by bends, fittings, valves, or pipe contractions/expansions.

The minor head loss equation is given by:

h m = K V 2 2 [ g


  • hm = Minor head loss
  • K = Minor loss coefficient
  • V = Flow velocity
  • g = Acceleration due to gravity

Minor Losses in Pipe Flow

The impact of minor losses in pipe flow depends on the number and type of obstructions present in the system. Engineers use minor loss coefficients from tables to calculate accurate head losses.

Examples of Minor Losses

  • Bends and elbows
  • Pipe entrances and exits
  • Valves (gate, globe, check, ball, etc.)
  • Sudden contractions and expansions

Comparing Major and Minor Losses

Both major loss and minor head loss contribute to overall pressure drop in a system. While major head loss is proportional to pipe length, minor losses depend on the number and severity of fittings and valves.

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