Control valve calculator

calculation of flow coefficient - Cv or Kv

online since 2007

pipe flow calculator
control valve coefficient cv calculator
Control valve calculator

Introduction to Control Valve Sizing and Flow Coefficients

Selecting the correct control valve size for a given application requires an understanding of the actual process conditions the valve will encounter. In the control valve industry, flow coefficient (Cv or Kv) and flow characteristics are standard parameters used to determine valve performance.

Flow Coefficient (Cv and Kv)

In the UK and USA, the Cv coefficient is commonly used. It represents the flow rate of water (in gallons per minute, gpm) at 60°F that results in a 1 psi pressure drop across the valve. The basic formula for liquid flow through a valve is:

Cv = q ΔP S

  • Cv = Flow coefficient [gpm]
  • q = Flow rate [gpm]
  • ΔP = Pressure drop [psi]
  • S = Specific gravity (relative density)

In Europe, the Kv coefficient is widely used. It represents the flow rate of water (in cubic meters per hour, m³/h) that results in a 1 kg/cm² pressure drop across the valve (1 kg/cm² ≈ 0.980665 bar). The equation for Kv is:

Kv = q ΔP S

  • Kv = Flow coefficient [m³/h]
  • q = Flow rate [gpm]
  • ΔP = Pressure drop [psi]
  • S = Specific gravity (relative density)

Valve Sizing and Considerations

Manufacturers use standardized test facilities, such as those established by the Fluid Control Institute (FCI), to ensure uniform measurement of liquid flow coefficients (Cv). When selecting a valve, it is crucial to account for the viscosity of the fluid—as higher viscosity reduces valve capacity. Additionally, Cv and Kv can be converted using the following formula:

Cv = Kv × 1.156

Kv = Cv × 0.864

Proper control valve sizing relies on calculating the flow coefficient for a given pressure drop and flow rate, ensuring optimal valve performance under actual operating conditions.

Calculation setup
Flow rates and velocity
Coefficients and pressure drop
Fluid properties

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q - volumetric flow rate
Fluid flow rate in terms of units of volume per unit of time
ṁ - mass flow rate
Fluid flow rate in terms of units of mass per unit of time
V - velocity
Flow velocity in terms of units of distance per unit of time
D - internal diameter
Internal circular pipe diameter
Cv - flow coefficient
In imperial units - gpm
Kv - flow coefficient
In metric units - m3/h
p - pressure
Fluid pressure at the start of the pipe for gas density calculation based on the ideal gas state equation
ρ - fluid density
Mass per unit of volume

Calculation setup

Select value to calculate. You should enter not selected one.
Calculate flow rate
Calculate pressure drop
Calculate flow coefficient
Select value to input. You should enter selected one. The other one will be calculated
volumetric flow rate
mass flow rate
Select value to input. You should enter selected one. The other one will be calculated.
flow coefficient in imperial units - gpm
flow coefficient in metric units - m3/h
Select value to input. You should enter selected one. The other one will be calculated.
flow velocity
internal pipe diameter

When Should You Use This Control Valve Calculator?

This control valve calculator helps you determine the required flow coefficient (Cv/Kv) based on the flow rate and pressure drop, ensuring you select the right valve size for your system.

How Does This Calculator Work?

Control valve manufacturers determine the Cv/Kv flow coefficient experimentally, and these values are listed in technical specifications. The Cv/Kv coefficient represents the flow rate of water in gallons per minute (gpm) [or cubic meters per hour (m³/h)] with a pressure drop of 1 psi [or 1 bar].

With this calculator, you can:

  • ✅ Calculate the maximum flow rate through a control valve for a given pressure drop and Cv/Kv coefficient.
  • ✅ Compare control valves from different manufacturers to assess performance and efficiency for the same nominal size.
This calculator is suitable for turbulent liquid flow calculations.

When Is This Calculator Not Applicable?

Certain flow conditions, such as flashing, cavitation, or choked flow, can impact valve capacity. This version of the calculator does not account for these phenomena.

Calculation Methodology

The calculator determines the Cv/Kv flow coefficient using the power-law relationship between pressure drop (Δp) and flow rate (q) for fully turbulent flow:

q = Cv × Δp S

  • q = Flow rate
  • Cv = Flow coefficient
  • Δp = Pressure drop
  • S = Specific gravity (relative density)
  • This control valve calculator is an essential tool for engineers, HVAC professionals, and fluid system designers looking to size and compare valves effectively.

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