What is the Specific Gravity Calculator?
The specific gravity calculator is a tool used to convert between specific gravity (SG), API gravity, and Baume degrees.
It is especially useful for oil and petroleum industry applications but is applicable for all liquids.
How is Specific Gravity Defined?
Specific gravity (SG) is the ratio of a liquid's density to the density of water at a reference temperature.
- The reference temperature for this calculator is 60°F (15.6°C).
- SG(60°F/60°F) is the specific gravity of a liquid compared to water at the same temperature.
- Because liquid density varies with temperature, using a reference temperature ensures consistency in calculations.
What Does This Calculator Compute?
Our specific gravity calculator allows you to:
- Convert between specific gravity, API gravity, and Baume degrees.
- Calculate liquid density (ρ) in lb/gallon.
- Determine specific volume (v) in barrels per metric ton (barrels/MT).
How Are API and Baume Degrees Calculated?
The calculator uses standard equations to convert between specific gravity, API gravity, and Baume degrees:
API Gravity Formula:
- API = API gravity (for oils and hydrocarbons lighter than water)
- SG = Specific gravity at 60°F
Baume Degrees Formula:
For liquids lighter than water (SG < 1):
For liquids heavier than water (SG > 1):
How is Liquid Density Calculated?
Since water has a density of 999 kg/m³ at 15°C, the density of any liquid can be calculated using:
Density (ρ) = Water density × SG(60°F/60°F)
For example, if an oil has a specific gravity of 0.85, its density is:
ρ = 999 × 0.85 = 849 kg/m³
Why Use a Specific Gravity Calculator?
The specific gravity calculator is essential for:
- Oil refining and fuel quality assessment
- Chemical and industrial applications
- Water treatment and fluid density calculations
- Lubricant and hydraulic fluid specifications
How to Use the Specific Gravity Calculator?
Follow these steps:
- Enter the specific gravity (SG) value at 60°F.
- Choose the required conversion – API gravity, Baume degrees, or density.
- Click the calculate button to obtain the result.
The calculator will instantly convert the values and display the correct results.
Example Calculation
Suppose we have an oil sample with a specific gravity of 0.85. We can determine:
- API Gravity: API = (141.5 / 0.85) - 131.5 = 35.6° API
- Baume Degrees (for SG < 1): Baume = (140 / 0.85) - 130 = 34.7°Bé
- Density: ρ = 999 × 0.85 = 849 kg/m³
This calculation helps in classifying the liquid and determining its industrial use.
- The specific gravity calculator is a valuable tool for fluid density and API/Baume degree conversion.
- It is widely used in the oil, fuel, and chemical industries for accurate measurements.
- With this calculator, you can instantly convert between specific gravity, API gravity, and Baume degrees with precision.
Use our specific gravity calculator to simplify your fluid density conversions and improve accuracy in your industry calculations.