Specific gravity conversion calculator

API and Baume specific gravity

online since 2010

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When is this calculator suitable?

Specific gravity conversion calculator can be used for conversion between API degrees, Baume degrees and specific gravity and is applicable for all liquids, but most common application is for oils. Specific gravity is ratio of some liquid density divided by water density, at referenced temperature. As liquids are having different gravity on different temperature, for this calculator 60 degrees F (60 0F; 15.6 0C) is used as reference temperature - SG (60 0F/60 0F).

Calculator also calculates liquid density ρ in [lb/gallon] and specific volume v, in [barrels/MT] (barrels/metric tons) units.

Conversion in API degrees is for liquids with specific gravity lower than 1, which means for liquids lighter than water. Conversion in Baume degrees is for liquids with specific gravity higher or lower than 1, which means for liquids heavier or lighter than water.

Calculator description

Calculator use following equations for conversion between API and Baume degrees.

For oils specific gravity SG(60OF/60OF):

oil specific gravity

For liquids lighter than water SG(60OF/60OF):

oil specific gravity

For liquids heavier than water SG(60OF/60OF):

oil specific gravity

As the density of water at 15OC is 999 kg/m3, density of oil or other liquid can be calculated as: water density x SG(60OF/60OF).

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